SBikes Center Stunt bike group. Wheelies Stoppies , Stunt videos, Stunt picuters, Stunt Team, Stunt group. Motorcycle stunts.
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July 27 2024

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Message | brad

Stunt Teams
| Blake (2)
| Brent (11)
| Clay (1)
| Dominic (0)
| Jakob (3)
| Jim (0)
| Josh (0)
| Josh (0)
| Marcus (0)
| Paul (23)
| Randy (0)
| Rhett (39)
Member Groups
Road Racers
Drag Racers
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Arkansas Extremes has been around in spirit ever since the first wheelie was pulled in Conway. However the website is brand new, so be patient while we decide what to add to the site. Have a cool idea? mail it to the admin

This site was designed to basically be as easy to use as it is to maintain. Also, we want the site to be interesting enough for every motorcycle fan, not just ARX members, to keep visiting the site to see what we are up to. Regular visitors can see the picture gallery, videos, events, and the public member information. They can also sign up for the forum and talk to ARX members.

Members have several more options to allow them to post the content so everybody can see how cool they are.

Current Member features include:
Member list. You can sign up using the site password, create your account and upload a picture and video of you and your bike. Members can also view other members phone numbers. You must be logged in to see them.
Picture gallery. Members can log in and submit pictures to the picture gallery.
Video gallery. Members can submit full length videos of cool stuns, races, runs, whatever.
Events. Members can submit events so other site users can see when and were you are going to meet for a ride.
Message Center. Members can send a short message to other members, or to every member. Great for updating event information, give out specific details, or tell dirt on somebody.
Forum. Anyone can post to the messageboard. Post links to cool sites, pics and videos from other motorcycle groups, or just talk about anything.

We even have the weather!(although it's an hour behind, it's free!)
Check out the NOAA site for current weather and radar information. That site is badass.

In development features:
We are currently looking for ways to expand the current features and develop new ones so the site will be more useful to users and ARX members. Feel free to submit an idea.


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Since "The Crash" in Jan 2006
SBikes Center Stunt bike group. Wheelies Stoppies , Stunt videos, Stunt picuters, Stunt Team, Stunt group, Motorcycel stunts